Creative Art Workshops
 Chris Unwin, NWS Loosen Up & Let It Flow a complete 3 day workshop on 3 DVDs
To Order Chris Unwin's Video Michigan Buyers Digital Version by $100 + $6 Tax + $5 S&H= $111 All Other US Buyers and Non-US Buyers including Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. Digital Version By $100 + $5 S&H= $105 _____________________________ Class Description Developing Your Own Style My workshop is about : IMPROVING YOUR WASHES, LOOSENING UP, USING CALLIGRAPHY IN YOUR WORK, GLAZING, and MAKING YOUR COLORS GLOW....COMPOSITION AND DESIGN, and ABSTRACT PAINTING. ALSO GUIDELINES TO EVALUATING YOUR OWN WORK AND HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN STYLE. I demonstrate many techniques and ask that you try them. Some will include toning your paper, adding and subtracting paint on a wet surface. Painting with a stick and pouring paint. Workshops are for all levels of students from beginner to advanced. You may bring your current work for a critique. Chris Unwin, nws Watercolor Workshops Workshops are for all levels of students from beginner to advanced. Chris teaches her workshop: Loosen Up and Let It Flow at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in Birmingham, Michigan, For Chris' schedule at the Art Center, call 248-644-0866 to register. Get in touch with your inner child, come and explore watercolor without fear. Lots of cool techniques will expand your horizons. __ Christine M. Unwin, NWS Chris Unwin is a Signature Member of the National Watercolor Society. Chris began working on a master’s degree in art at Eastern Michigan University. However, after taking several art workshops with nationally-known watercolor artists in 1977, she decided that the best way to learn to paint was to study with the best watercolor artists. In 1984, she formed Creative Art Workshops which gave her the opportunity to plan ten workshops a year with nationally prominent watercolor artists. Many of these workshops were conducted on cruise ships all over the world. Chris’ paintings have appeared on five magazine covers including the Michigan Bar Journal and the Detroit Yacht Club magazine. She was featured in American Artist Magazine’s Fall Watercolor 90 issue. She is the author of The Artistic Touch Series. Chris’ paintings have been exhibited at The Detroit Institute of Arts in the Arts & Flowers Show, in the Springfield Art Museum’s 1994 and 1999 Watercolor U.S.A. shows and in the 1995 National Watercolor Society Show in Los Angles at the Brea Cultural Center. Her work appeared in the Northwest Watercolor Society's Signature Members Show and in the New England Watercolor Society show. Here is a quote from a review of Chris' three volume watercolor art workshop video entitled: Loosen Up & Let It Flow. : ". . . a marvelously liberating watercolor workshop . . . Methodically and with a sense of fun and excitement, Unwin gives you basic techniques and projects . . . You’ll enjoy and benefit from this excellent video watercolor workshop." E-Mail Address: Website: